Bad Habits

We all have our habits and routines. Once we get into something, it can be pretty hard to break! After reading about everyone's bad habits, I got to thinking about my own. The two that I've just recently developed are a tendency to eat at McDonald's more than I should (those fries are just waaaay too good), and to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock one too many times when I'm trying to wake up in the morning. This week's top essay comes from Jen. She writes about a bad habit that many of us can relate to: putting things off.
I procrastinate on anything from school related items; such as homework, reports, and essays; to household chores. I try to put off doing these things by having a snack after school, a drink, reading a book and anything else that I can think of to avoid my assignments. I’ve been trying to improve on this by having a snack and drink in the car while waiting for my brother to get out of school. I also read my AR books while waiting for him. I work on the school related items in an area that is quiet and distraction free. I start with the easy subjects so that I can motivate myself before handling the harder ones. I also remind myself that the sooner I finish the sooner I can do things like work on my stained-glass butterfly book (It is very interesting), read my books or go hang out with my friends.
The school work is not the only thing I put off doing, however; I also try to avoid doing my chores as well. I have a lot of chores to do at home such as cooking, cleaning and putting my laundry away. I also have to help set and clear the table. I don’t usually procrastinate on that chore however, probably because my brother helps me.
I like to cook, but I hate to clean up after. My mother is always yelling at me for that. I also avoid cleaning my room, putting my stuff away, and bringing up my laundry. I am trying to improve on this habit because it only causes problems with my mother, and then I usually end up grounded.
When I want to cook, I try to make myself clean up as I go along to keep the mess from getting out of control. It doesn’t always work but at least I try. I really have to work on putting the food garbage down the disposal. I always leave it in the sink and procrastinate by using excuses like homework, having to go to school or just sneaking out to play with my cousins to avoid it. I keep hoping my mother will clean it up for me. That doesn’t work either because she makes me clean it when I come back in. As for my room, that is a habit I will probably never break. I have too many other things I want to do, and cleaning my room is not one of them. My mom usually makes me stay in and clean it once a month, while threatening to toss everything. I then keep it clean for about a week before I get lazy again.
I really procrastinate when it comes to putting my stuff away and bringing up my laundry. I usually have two to three pairs of shoes lying around, I throw my socks wherever I want and find all sorts of excuses to avoid picking up. I usually just pretend “I forgot” or I conveniently do not hear my mother tell me to pick up. My laundry gets thrown in whatever drawer is open and then forced shut. Of course this creates a problem when I can’t find what I’m looking for so then everything ends up on the floor; which I am always too busy or running too late to take the time to put them back which again makes my room messy.
I really should improve on my bad habits. I can definitely work on the nail biting, and screeching. I’ll probably always insult my brother (that’s what he’s there for) and I am trying really hard to improve on my school stuff. I doubt I’ll ever improve on the household chores, there are too many other things I could be doing instead.